Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Right Times to Hire a Photographer

Many persons in an attempt to take their own photos, end up with blurred images or someone without a head, because they are balancing the excitement they are experiencing with taking clear photos. This affects your enjoyment of the day and so you should consider using a professional photographer.

Family Photos

Setting up a tripod to take your own family photos can result in complete failure. There is no one behind the camera to ensure that everyone looks good before taking the shot. Consequently, several photos are taken before one that you are totally satisfied with. The family becomes frustrated and annoyed. This occasion  is definitely when to hire a photographer, so that you can have family photos to share with future generations.

Wedding Photos

A wedding is usually the busiest day of your life, with vows to exchange, meals to eat, flowers to display, toasts to make and family to converse with. You need a photographer to capture these special moments, from when the ring is placed on the bride's finger until the couple's departure for the honeymoon.

Graduation Photos

Attendance at school seems never ending until the day of graduation arrives. Graduation is a bittersweet moment celebrating someone's accomplishments. However, with parents getting emotional and friends having fun, there is no one to concentrate on taking photos. A photographer is needed to capture the moment when the graduate throws their hat in the air and when mom stands teary-eyed watching the proceedings.

Retirement Party Photos

After decades of working hard, persons get the opportunity to enjoy their retirement. It is the beginning of freedom and fun, where they can enjoy a new and carefree lifestyle. The guest of honor may decide to have a few cocktails with their favorite persons and may not be able to take the best photos. Hiring the services of a photographer who will be alert and sober, will allow you to have amazing memories of your retirement party in photos.

Ralph Smith Photography
5226 Elm St
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 839-0560

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

About Ralph Smith Photography

Although the name might be simple, Ralph Smith Photography provides incredibly innovative food, motion and still life photography in Texas. 

Ralph Smith Photography's creative photos are recognized throughout the United States because of his inventive techniques. 

Prior to becoming a graphic designer and illustrator, Ralph Smith studied art at the University of Houston. Smith decided to transform his love for photography into a lifelong career. Through self-described hard work and luck, 

Ralph Smith has become a successful photographer for decades. He continues to study the art of photography to keep learning more about cutting edge ideas, light and more to enhance his work.

Ralph Smith Photography
5226 Elm St
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 839-0560